Understanding Neuroception: How Polyvagal Theory Can Help Us Regulate Our States and Respond to Stressors

Polyvagal Theory proposes that our nervous system has evolved to detect safety and danger in our environment through a process called "neuroception". Neuroception is the body's ability to sense cues in the environment that signal safety, danger, or the need for immobilization, and respond accordingly. Understanding neuroception can help us regulate our states and respond appropriately to stressors in our environment.

Neuroception occurs at a subconscious level, outside of our conscious awareness. It's based on sensory input from our environment, such as sights, sounds, smells, and touch, as well as cues from our own body, such as heart rate, breathing, and muscle tension.

There are three main neuroceptive systems in Polyvagal Theory: the social engagement system, the sympathetic arousal system, and the dorsal immobilization system. The social engagement system is associated with the ventral vagal state, and it's activated when we feel safe and connected to others. The sympathetic arousal system is associated with the sympathetic state, and it's activated when we perceive a threat or danger. The dorsal immobilization system is associated with the dorsal state, and it's activated when we perceive a situation as overwhelming and immobilizing.

Understanding neuroception can help us regulate our states by becoming more aware of the cues in our environment and how they affect our nervous system. For example, if we're feeling anxious, we can try to identify the triggers that are causing us to feel that way, and then use techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness to help regulate our nervous system and shift into a more calm and relaxed state.

We can also use neuroception to help us create environments that promote safety and calmness. For example, we can create a calming space in our home or workplace by using soft lighting, calming colors, and soothing scents. We can also use music or other forms of sensory input to help regulate our nervous system and promote feelings of safety and relaxation.

All that said, understanding neuroception in Polyvagal Theory can help us become more aware of the cues in our environment that affect our nervous system and develop tools to regulate our states. By becoming more attuned to our body's responses to different environmental cues, we can better manage stress, reduce anxiety, and promote greater overall well-being.


Understanding the Autonomic Hierarchy: A Guide to Regulating Your Emotional States Using Polyvagal Theory